クリスマス発表会Today we had our annual Christmas event! The students practiced so hard in December and did very well during rehearsals. Once parents arrived, they felt never and the program didn’t go as planned but at the end, it was a successful day!
Under the sea board:Today we made a under the seam themed board using hair gel and glitter! So fun for the kids to try and find the fish and such!
Great idea to introduce new vocabulary and textures!
Leaves bookmarks
On our walks, we often collect some leaves so we decided to use it for a craft! We laminated them and added some faces ...
手と腕を使って「秋の木」 我们的手工课 秋天的童
Making a cake:Today during snack time, all the kids made a cup cake together! It was a fun experience and they enjoy watching the cupcake rise in the microwave!
出来上がりに、「Wow!HOT!」とみんなの歓声の声。味はもちろんgood( ´∀` )b
Halloween Party:Today we had a Halloween party with the kids and went around the neighborhood for trick or treat! So mu...